Ömer Uluç (1931 - )
Click for Artist Information"Man"
Between the Abstract and the Figure: Ömer Uluç, who examined the complex interconnectedness between the figurative and the abstract throughout his entire stylistic adventure, also focused on this problem on his Nigerian experience covering the years 1974-77 and finally on his Paris experiences in the 80s, where he continued his artistic career. When the relationship between figurative and abstract is considered in the context of the relationship between real and abstract images, it is still the previous years that coincide with the tense environment of the first figuration process in the efforts to find a solution to this problematic. In a conversation with Uluç in 1969, he described the local traditions, which he described as the complete opposite of the western painting tradition, as the transformation of a mass of color into a bird or flower, a geometric mass plastic into a figure, a drawing or text into a human face (New Magazine, 1969). Instead of creating the form by looking at nature, mobilizing an abstract design for common meaning goals. Thus, integrating with a logic that results in an image that is both figurative and abstract. The conditions for the realization of an imaginary design goal that could be contrasted with real design could be found in a sign scheme in which objects depicted through drawing, color or mass elements abstracted from the object were determined.
Sezer Tansuğ, “Ömer Uluç”, Galeri Nev Kitabevi, 2003, Page: 25, 26
Acrylic on paper
70 x 45 cm
2003, signed
Estimate: 200.000 TL - 300.000 TL
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Mustafa Ata (1945 - )
Click for Artist Information"Figurative Composition"
Ata’s Reckoning with Figure: Ata, who has tried to express the changeability of life at every moment and the movement of the human body by synthesizing it with color, also uses Matisse’s colors and George La Tour’s light and shadow. What is being told here is the questioning of life, the endless movement that continues in the soul of mankind between birth and life. Of course, the artist also reckons with the figure and his own existence. Therefore, as he himself says; we can see everything about life in these figures. Ata, whose paintings are based on the German expressionists who emerged at the beginning of the 20th century and who uses all the data of color to strengthen the narrative, actually uses an old language technically. However, what he says is about today, about the self-absorption of contemporary people…
Esra Aliçavuşoğlu (Radikal Newspaper, December 26, 2000), “Mustafa Ata Retrospective 2012”, Beltaş Publications, 2012, Page: 296, 297
Oil on canvas
102 x 82 cm
1982, signed
This work is on page 119 of the book titled "Mustafa Ata Retrospective 2012" prepared by Beşiktaş Municipality.
Estimate: 400.000 TL - 600.000 TL
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Ergin İnan (1943 - )
Click for Artist Information"Double Head (The Hidden Treasure of the Sky)"
Close Encounters with a Foreign Friend: In another group of works that İnan calls "Portraits", the oval forms of human heads and faces created with broad brush strokes are shown. “These sullen faces,” as the artist later called them, glisten and slide into each other, thus making references to some energetic processes: For example, it could be a person's effort to comprehend what is happening. The article is proof of exactly this. Both - writing and painting - strive to encounter each other, complement each other and decipher each other. However, these alternately merely reinforce a painful phenomenon of indecipherable thought processes inside heads. Often these are double portraits that appear to be arranged on two separate book pages. Here too, there are ovals surrounded by inscriptions consisting of text fragments in German and Turkish, loaded with brush strokes, bearing no distinguishable image, yet making it clear that the people in question are male and female. The observer searches for clues as to what is going on inside these heads, but finds no way. Image and text do not intertwine, two faces do not recognize each other. While the statements made in the text determine existence and give it a form, the contours of the portraits remain uncertain with all their energy: They are in a state of formation or dissolution, in any case in the process of transition to another state.
Dr. Elizabeth Wagner, “Ergin İnan”, Sevil Dolmacı Art Consultant, 2017, Page: 24
Oil on canvas
100 x 150 cm
2023, signed
Estimate: 600.000 TL - 800.000 TL
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Ahmet Güneştekin ( 1966 - )
Click for Artist Information"Angel of the White Paradise"
Ahmet Güneştekin’s paintings and art are the manifesto of a tradition torn apart by national borders, religious camps and political interests. His work is a utopian effort that turns its back on all kinds of truths that claim to be unique, in order to open a path to the future from the vast wealth of knowledge of cultures, and aims to make this unique cultural memory the basis of a self-confident identity. Ahmet Güneştekin is a contemporary artist whose work encompasses painting, conceptual art and sculpture. The artist, who found his own style in the early 2000s, can be described as a free-technique interpretation of oral narratives, legends and mythology from Anatolian, Mesopotamian and Greek civilizations. They consist of fascinating colors, intricately combined layers and stories of ancient times. The effect of processing can be best observed in the artist’s latest paintings. The refined and meticulously crafted color palettes and drawings that they create in harmony form the basis of Güneştekin’s work. He focuses on the various uses of light, the thickness and density of lines and colors.
Johannes Odenthal, Eylül 2012, Ahmet Güneştekin, GSM
Oil on canvas
100 x 80 cm
2012, signed
Estimate: 250.000 TL - 350.000 TL
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Zeki Arslan (1949 - )
Click for Artist Information"Color Melting"
Oil on canvas
113 x 88 cm
2002, signed
This work is on page 11 of the book titled "Zeki Arslan Yeni Resimler / Neue Bilder" prepared by Kare Art Gallery in 2003.
Estimate: 30.000 TL - 40.000 TL
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Adem Genç (1944 - )
Click for Artist Information"Abstraction on Hematosis 3"
Acrylic and oil on canvas
120 x 100 cm
1995, signed
This work is on page 150 of the book titled "Adem Genç Post Dada and New-Abstract Approaches in the Pop Process" prepared by the Science Art Gallery in 2004.
Estimate: 30.000 TL - 40.000 TL
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Nejat Satı (1982 - )
Click for Artist Information"Nefs 12"
Acrylic and mixed media on canvas
56 x 46 cm
2014, signed
Estimate: 30.000 TL - 40.000 TL
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Nejat Satı (1982 - )
Click for Artist Information"Nefs 5"
Acrylic and mixed media on canvas
56 x 46 cm
2014, signed
Estimate: 30.000 TL - 40.000 TL
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Yeşim Akdeniz
Click for Artist Information"Tulips"
Acrylic on canvas
80 x 80 cm
2015, signed
Estimate: 20.000 TL - 30.000 TL
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İlkem Güneri (1994 - )
Click for Artist Information"Street Music"
Oil on canvas
120 x 150 cm
2024, signed
Estimate: 75.000 TL - 100.000 TL
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Hamid Tolouei Fard
Click for Artist Information"Tintin in the Gallery"
Acrylic on canvas
120 x 120 cm
Estimate: 80.000 TL - 100.000 TL
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Mihriban Mirap (1981 - )
Click for Artist Information"Spoiled"
Oil and mixed media on canvas
155 x 200 cm
2012, signed
Estimate: 40.000 TL - 50.000 TL
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İsmet Doğan (1957 - )
Click for Artist Information"Rose" from the Autos Series
Collage, acrylic, and mixed media on canvas
90 x 116 cm
2017-2018, signed
This work has a certificate signed by İsmet Doğan.
Estimate: 30.000 TL - 45.000 TL
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İsmet Doğan (1957 - )
Click for Artist Information"Lily'" from the Autos Series
Collage, acrylic, and mixed media on canvas
90 x 116 cm
2017-2018, signed
This work has a certificate signed by İsmet Doğan.
Estimate: 30.000 TL - 45.000 TL
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Mustafa Horasan (1965 - )
Click for Artist Information"Portraits"
Acrylic and mixed media on cardboard
49 x 67 cm
1988, signed
Estimate: 35.000 TL - 50.000 TL
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Kemal Seyhan (1960 - )
Click for Artist Information"Copper Abstract"
Mixed media on canvas pasted on wood
43 x 30 cm
2015, signed
Estimate: 20.000 TL - 30.000 TL
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Kemal Seyhan (1960 - )
Click for Artist Information"Black Abstract"
Mixed media on canvas pasted on wood
43 x 30 cm
2015, signed
Estimate: 20.000 TL - 30.000 TL
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Kemal Seyhan (1960 - )
Click for Artist Information"White Abstract"
Mixed media on canvas pasted on wood
43 x 30 cm
2014, signed
Estimate: 20.000 TL - 30.000 TL
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Kemal Seyhan (1960 - )
Click for Artist Information"Gray Abstract"
Mixed media on canvas pasted on wood
43 x 30 cm
2015, signed
Estimate: 20.000 TL - 30.000 TL
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İrfan Önürmen (1958 - )
Click for Artist Information"The Girl Tying Her Shoes"
Oil and mixed media on canvas
41 x 30 cm
2003, signed
Estimate: 12.000 TL - 18.000 TL
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Tanju Demirci (1961 - 2016)
Click for Artist Information"Composition"
Mixed media and oil on canvas
90 x 90 cm
2008, signed
Estimate: 14.000 TL - 18.000 TL
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Albina Onay
Click for Artist Information"Untitled"
Oil on cardboard
35 x 50 cm
2024, signed
Estimate: 5.500 TL - 7.500 TL
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Albina Onay
Click for Artist Information"Monet 3 / Waiting Series"
Oil on cardboard
35 x 50 cm
2022, signed
Estimate: 5.500 TL - 7.500 TL
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Nesrin Sağlam (1973 - )
Click for Artist Information"Girl with Carnations"
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 cm
2023, signed
Estimate: 3.500 TL - 4.500 TL
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Şenol Bora (1987 - )
Click for Artist Information"Autumn and Street Dogs"
40 x 45 x 33 cm
Estimate: 20.000 TL - 30.000 TL
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