Ergin İnan (1943 - )
"Write Down The Rest Of Your Time In Your Heartbook"
Close Encounters with a Foreign Friend: In another group of works that İnan calls "Portraits", the oval forms of human heads and faces created with broad brush strokes are shown. “These sullen faces,” as the artist later called them, glisten and slide into each other, thus making references to some energetic processes: For example, it could be a person's effort to comprehend what is happening. The article is proof of exactly this. Both - writing and painting - strive to encounter each other, complement each other and decipher each other. However, these alternately merely reinforce a painful phenomenon of indecipherable thought processes inside heads. Often these are double portraits that appear to be arranged on two separate book pages. Here too, there are ovals surrounded by inscriptions consisting of text fragments in German and Turkish, loaded with brush strokes, bearing no distinguishable image, yet making it clear that the people in question are male and female. The observer searches for clues as to what is going on inside these heads, but finds no way. Image and text do not intertwine, two faces do not recognize each other. While the statements made in the text determine existence and give it a form, the contours of the portraits remain uncertain with all their energy: They are in a state of formation or dissolution, in any case in the process of transition to another state. Dr. Elizabeth Wagner, “Ergin İnan”, Sevil Dolmacı Art Consultant, 2017, Page: 24
Oil and mixed media on canvas
100 x 70 cm
2015, signed
Estimated Value:500.000TL - 650.000TL
Starting Bid: 400.000 TL