Ergin İnan (1943 - )

"Long Letter"  

Ergin İnan or Focusing on Detail: Visual communication is essentially a dialogue we establish with ourselves, starting from what is visible; At best, the artist gives us some clues in this direction; Thus, the definition of communication based on the principle of reciprocity has lost its validity to some extent. However, the general tendency to relate to the work of art as a means of communication resists this to the end; Because in the final analysis, every work of art is a meeting point that takes place through someone else, even if the addressee is the viewer's own self. Inan, on the other hand, is pushing this communication opportunity downhill and running into difficulties, not because the code he sees is mysterious and closed, but because it is so open - the viewer has silently fallen into the trap of obviousness. Accordingly, the free movement space we have when interpreting a deformed object is automatically narrowed in the public repetition of the same thing with a realistic representation; in interpretation; At least a special effort is required not to ignore the syntactic concern that constitutes the other half of the picture, otherwise the story has slowly taken the place of interpretation. In fact, nothing is as foreign to İnan as the desire to hide behind the password; However, this is exactly why he finds himself behind an encrypted world; At least for us, this is the case... Believe me, leaving the audience to their own devices proves the privilege of being creative. As long as a form is considered picturesque, it can well be abstracted from its realistic context, even if it clearly refers to the outside world, because contemplation has already bypassed and canceled out its meaning.  

Mehmet Ergüven, “Ergin İnan”, YKY Yayınları, 1996, Sayfa: 3, 4  

Oil and mixed media on wood  

220 x 26 cm  

2006, signed  

Estimated:600.000TL - 800.000TL  

Starting Bid: 15.675 USD

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