İpek Taçmahal Click for Artist Information

Dollart No:12

Mixed media on canvas

100 x 40 cm


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V.A.T.: 631.80 TL Total Amount: 4,141.80 TL

İpek Taçmahal

İpek Taçmahal


She was born in 1998 in Izmir. She graduated from Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Chemistry. She took part in different exhibitions at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University. Her passion for painting from an early age became an indispensable profession for her. Taking lessons from the Kırmızı Resim Atölyesi, she always left herself to her brush and imagination. İpek Taçmahal, who takes her artistic inspiration from the energy of colors, believes that the colors we use in our lives direct and shape our lives with their energies. By using optimistic and pessimistic colors together in her paintings, she aims to provide a spiritual balance that is good for people.