Viron Erol Vert Click for Artist Information


Laser cut on wood

175 x 120 x 27 cm

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V.A.T.: 4,860.00 TL Total Amount: 31,860.00 TL

Viron Erol Vert

Viron Erol Vert

Vert was born in Germany in 1975. Vert studied at the UdK in Berlin and also in the Department for Visual Art at the Royal Academy in Antwerp. He has graduated with mentionable honor his master class in Fashion design at the HTW, Berlin and at the Department for Experimental Surface at the KHB in Berlin. From 2004 and on he participated in several international/national exhibitions. He is strongly influenced by his multicultural background that arches between Orient and Occident. This cultural matrix is one of the reasons that leads him to question identity and affinity which are the central subjects in his artistic work. By confronting mythological as well as figurative elements with lives of the present, he is searching for new realities. His choice of expression involves a wide range from sculpture and collage over painting on paper and canvas to print on fabric and sound. The diversity of his work is mirrored in his artistic expression and his unique way of selecting and combining unusual materials reflects his contentual artistic aspects. In 2008 Viron Erol Vert won the first prize in the category Painting and Illustration, of the Turkish Society for Sculpting and Arts awarded by Aksanat, İstanbul. lives and currently works between İstanbul and Berlin.