Seydi Murat Koç Click for Artist Information

Bird's Eye View

Oil on canvas

150 x 120

2005, signed

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Buyer's Premium: 9% V.A.T.: 1,962.00 TL Total Amount: 12,862.00 TL

Seydi Murat Koç

Seydi Murat Koç

SEYDİ MURAT KOÇ (1981 -   )

Koç was born in Akşehir in 1981. He graduated from Atatürk Faculty of Art where he has also completed his masters’ degree. He uses various bold techniques reflecting the panoramic scenery of the city. The black and white colors which dominate his landscapes represent alienation and melancholy and add a dimension of dramatic concentration and contrast to his works. The transformation of his paintings reflect political developments and changes. The rectangular photo-collages shaped by colorful interventions reflect the hidden realities of the city such as lack of infrastructure, ugly concrete buildings, the shrinking of cultural values and political problems. The artist who is a faculty member at Doğuş University, works at his studio in Moda, Istanbul.