Mihriban Mirap (1981 - ) Click for Artist Information


Oil and mixed media on canvas

155 x 200 cm

2012, signed

Estimate: 50.000 TL - 70.000 TL

Starting Bid: 40,000 TL

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Buyer's Premium: 10%
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Mihriban Mirap

Mihriban Mirap


Mihriban Mirap was born in Istanbul in 1981. In the year 2000, she started studying at the Plastic Arts Department of the Yeditepe University Fine Arts Faculty, where she joined the workshops of Özdemir Altan, Prof.Zahit Büyükişleyen ve Prof. Turan Aksoy. The artist transforms metropolitian lifestyle and populer consumer society are reflected on canvas. The Artist who participated in many joint and solo exhibitions lives and works in Istanbul.