Ümmet Karaca (1956 - ) Click for Artist Information

"From Buyukada"

Oil on canvas

45 x 60 cm

2018, signed

Estimate: 20.000 TL - 26.000 TL

Starting Bid: 16,000 TL

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Buyer's Premium: 10% V.A.T.: 4,180.00 TL Total Amount: 25,080.00 TL
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Ümmet Karaca

Ümmet Karaca

ÜMMET KARACA (1956 -  )

Ümmet Karaca was born in Georgia in 1956. The artist graduated from the Tbilisi Higher School of Painters in 1982, which he started in 1978. In 1987, he opened his first personal exhibition in Tbilisi, Georgia. In 1993, he held his first personal exhibition in Turkey at Varol Art Gallery in Istanbul. Afterwards, he continued to participate in many group exhibitions and open personal exhibitions in Istanbul and Ankara.

Ümmet Karaca generally deals with the theme of Istanbul in her paintings made with oil painting technique on canvas. In his works, he prefers to portray the streets, people, nature and social life of the city in a classical style. He especially likes to paint landscapes from Büyükada. Although Karaca is generally known for his cityscapes, he also worked in still life and portraits.

Ümmet Karaca still lives in Istanbul and continues his art work.