Necmettin Özlü (1950 - ) Click for Artist Information

"Abstract Composition"

Oil on canvas

107 x 58 cm

1993, signed

Estimated:4.000TL - 6.000TL

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Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Buyer's Premium: 10% V.A.T.: 1,430.00 TL Total Amount: 8,580.00 TL

Necmettin Özlü

Necmettin Özlü


Born in Trabzon (1950), Necmettin ÖZLÜ graduated from Trabzon High School in 1967 and earned a M.S. degree in earth sciences from Black Sea Technical University in 1972. He went on a State scholarship to continue his education until 1978 in Paris and obtained his doctorate degree from Paris University. After working as an assistant at Ege University in 1979, he served in Algeria Science and Technology University as a faculty member. He lived there until 1987 where he began his professional art career as freelance artist and opened his first exhibition. He worked in Ankara and europeen countries and lived 12 years in Bruxelles and Paris. He opened 33 personal exhibitions and participated in many group exhibitions in Ankara, İstanbul, İzmir, Algiers, Brussels, Gent, Paris and New York. Özlü has works in Algeria State Museum of Fine Arts, Turkey’s foreign representative offices and domestic and foreign private collections. He is a member of UNESCO UPSD Turkey’s Section.