Murat Germen (1965 - ) Click for Artist Information

"Istiklal Street"

Chromogenik Diasec Print, mono print

40 x 225 cm


Estimate: 30.000 TL - 40.000 TL

Starting Bid: 20,000 TL

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Buyer's Premium: 10% V.A.T.: 4,840.00 TL Total Amount: 29,040.00 TL
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Murat Germen

Murat Germen

MURAT GERMEN (1965 - )

He was born in Ankara in 1965. He received his undergraduate degree in Urban Planning from Istanbul Technical University and his master's degree in Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he attended as a Fulbright scholar, with the Gold Medal of the American Association of Architects. Currently at Sabancı University he teaches photography and visual communication design at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Previously Bilkent, Yeditepe, İTÜ, Yıldız he taught courses such as introduction to multimedia, basic design, computer-aided design, and interface design at Istanbul and Bilgi Universities.

Using photography as a tool of expression and research, the artist focuses in his works on issues such as the effects of excessive urbanization and gentrification, ownership / dispossession, urban rights, sustainability of local cultures, climate change and the destruction caused by humans in nature. At the same time, the concepts that Murat Germen questions in his works include representation, simulation, various interpretations of history and dominant networks.

Germen, who has many printed/online publications on photography, architecture, multimedia design, urban planning, art and computer-aided design, has participated in universities and symposiums/conferences such as SIGGRAPH, Mutamorphosis, CAe2008, CAC2, EVA-London'08, eCAADe, ASCAAD on the same subjects. presented his work. He contributed to over thirty personal/group exhibitions in Turkey, America, Italy, Germany, England, Mexico, Portugal, Uzbekistan, Greece, Russia, Iran, India and Japan. He has received national/international awards (such as IPA, Px3, IVRPA 2007 honorable mention and 2007 IPA 2nd place awards in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) for his work in the fields in which he is active. He has been a jury member in national photography competitions.