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64. ONLINE Auction; Contemporary and Modern Art

  • Category: Painting
Lot: 54 » Painting

Burhan Doğançay

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"Blue Entry"

Gouche on hardboard

43 x 28 cm

1972, signed

Estimated Value: 160.000-240.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 55 » Painting

Burhan Doğançay

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"Orange Under Blue"

Gouche on paper

39 x 27 cm

1970, signed

Provenance: Vaus Roger Collection, Ambassador of France to Turkey

Estimated Value: 130.000-200.000 TL



Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 56 » Painting

Burhan Doğançay

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"Walls V"

One of the lithographs that Doğançay printed at the "Tamarind Atoyle" was the beginning of his printing works.

This artwork is on page 254 of the book "Burhan Doğançay Retrospective" published by Duran Ofset.

Litography, Color Trial Proof

52.5 x 44.5 cm

1969, signed

Estimated Value: 20.000-30.000 TL



Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 57 » Painting

Burhan Doğançay

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"Wall 70"

One of the lithographs that Doğançay printed at the "Tamarind Atoyle" was the beginning of his printing works.

This artwork is on page 254 of the book "Burhan Doğançay Retrospective" published by Duran Ofset.

Part of the signature and the edition number remained under the passepartout. "


76 x 55 cm


Estimated Value: 20.000-30.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 58 » Painting

Adnan Çoker

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"From the Domes Series"

Lithography Printing Ed. 17/100

90 x 70 cm


Estimated Value: 7.000-10.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 59 » Painting

Adnan Çoker

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"Abstract Composition"

Mixed media on cardboard

20 x 21,5 cm

1957, signed

Estimated Value: 14.000-20.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 60 » Painting

Devrim Erbil

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"Istanbul in Red"

Oil on canvas

130 x 130 cm

2010, signed

Estimated Value: 700.000-1.000.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 61 » Painting

Devrim Erbil

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"Istanbul, Galata and Birds"

Mixed media on print on hahnemuhle paper

94.3 x 79.4 cm

2019, signed

This work has a certificate.

Estimated Value: 50.000-65.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 62 » Painting

Devrim Erbil

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"İstanbul, Haydarpaşa (B)"

Serigraphy Ed. 9/25

70 x 100 cm

2020, signed

Estimated Value: 6.500-9.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 63 » Painting

Devrim Erbil

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"İstanbul, Mavi Yorum (C)"

Serigraphy Ed. 15/25

100 x 70 cm

2022, signed

Estimated Value: 6.500-9.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 64 » Painting

Mehmet Gün

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"Look Okay"

Mixed media on cardboard

69 x 49 cm

1986, signed

Estimated Value: 8.000-11.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 65 » Painting

Mehmet Gün

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"A Lady"

Mixed media on cardboard

69 x 49 cm

1984, signed

Estimated Value: 8.000-11.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 66 » Painting

Ergin İnan

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"Butterfly Inscription IV"

This artwork is on page 179 of the book "Ergin İnan 50. Sanat Yılı" published by Ekol Sanat.

Oil on wood

180 x 110 cm

2016, signed

Estimated Value: 700.000-1.100.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 67 » Painting

Ergin İnan

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"Faces Etched with Color"

Mixed media and print on paper

104 x 134 cm

2019, signed

This work has a certificate.

Estimated Value: 65.000-80.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 68 » Painting


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Mixed media and oil on wood

100 x 70 cm

signed and dedicated

Estimated Value: 70.000-110.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 69 » Painting

Adem Genç

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"Abstract Composition"

Oil on canvas

160 x 196 cm

2009, signed

Estimated Value: 70.000-100.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 72 » Painting

Mark Brusse

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"Le Corbeau et La Tomate"

Mixed media on paper

70 x 140 cm

1997, signed

Estimated Value: 50.000-70.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 73 » Painting

Salar Ahmedian

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"Calligraphic Abstraction"

Oil on canvas

173,5 x 173,5 cm


Estimated Value: 35.000-45.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 74 » Painting

Ali Atmaca

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"Figurative Composition"

Acrylic on canvas

117 x 150 cm

2003, signed

Estimated Value: 20.000-30.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 75 » Painting

Halil Akdeniz

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"Culture Symbol"

Oil on canvas

180 x 200 cm

2012, signed

Estimated Value: 50.000-70.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 76 » Painting

Selim Turan

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"Abstrait Orange-Marron"


Selim’s rendition of the abstract within the ruins of World War II, took place in the aftermath of the artists who searched for the “essential disengagement from the accord” to the struggle to throw away the visual burden of all the images of the outer world from the painting. The artist concentrated on unspotted abstract thinking during this period. Black, painted on one layer after another creates stratified painting blocks, not only does it capture its own painting’s reality but takes it over and at the same time dominates even the most minute area till the very end. In the assembly of the composition the “crucified Jesus motive” can be interpreted as an “antithesis” developed by Selim. Because the training in the Academy and especially the teachings of Leopold Levy, led Selim Turan into learning and developing the “thesis”s of modern art closely. When the artist came to Paris he realised in order to survive in the art environment, he needed to struggle with the 21.st century art ethics and go beyond reality. This could happen in two different methods; finding your identity and simultaneously losing your identity and following the popular movement. Selim, regardless of all the difficulties decided to choose after finding his own identity and especially during 1948-1955 he developped polymorphic shapes. He defied the borders of Abstract expression by defining shape, and perspective as much as he can on a surface with no deepness. The paintings from these years, are full of dazzling examples of Selim’s own guide towards the depth of painting. Compositions that have the crucification of Jesus motive are not descriptive but imaginative. Following his paintings after his educational period, the Artist has developed an approach that magnifies daily life with his own “thesis” beyond the teachings and readily made prescription for, Impressionism, Cubism, and Surrealism. He was after creating his own voice, his own breathe when he was painting about nature, city life and depicting those living close to him. His struggle for construing an “interpretation” and as an “antithesis” borrowing from Christian iconographic motives, forces him to put aside all that he has learned before and to burn all the ships for the second time never to return. Regardless of the main paranthesis that has been defined around abstract art, Turan’s “antithesis” holds a mystical understanding of the world at heart, which suggests a fiction with color collectivity that will not disintegrate at a glance. Necmi Sönmez, “Tez-Antitez-Sentez Selim Turan’ın Sanat Serüveni”, 2016, Page: 45, 46.

Oil on canvas

131 x 162 cm

1960s, signed

Provenance: Private Collection, Noyon, France

Estimated Value: 750.000-1.250.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 77 » Painting

Abidin Dino

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"Atibes" Series


Abidin, was never one who believed in a single understanding of painting. At the same time a painting that is accepable on all four surfaces of the earth, in the East, in the North, in the South, or a sense of art was out of the question for Abidin. The artist in Paris or for that matter the artist in Istanbul could follow a competely different path. In 1962in a discussion with Melih Cevdet Anday this is what had wrote: “ A different painting in Paris, and another in Çemişkezek how can that be? I think it can be. An artist consumed by the color of the environment, from shapes to the society they live in, fuly enwrapped with the different indistinct effects of life. It’s difficult for him to show the same reaction in Konya as in Cannes. If i didn’t fear so much from Melih I would even say that the paintings in Smatya are different then the ones in Kavaklar.”Abidin, was basing his opinion examlifying his creative activities, not corporate, (for as long as I’ve known he has always ran away from these types of theories). For him painting, was an activity in the whole meaning and sense of the world. It was a creative, personal action, a revolutionary one, a societal movement. He wanted to express himself, his existence, thought, beliefs, instincts, and one love through his paintings. Being as it is, he chose a multipathed art apprecation for himself, without criticising those artists giving them credit who d’rather ptoceed in a single pathall their lives. All these paths aare going in the same direction and no matter how different the language of the painting is, they were all leaning towards one purpose. In these three cities there is a totaly different language of Abidin’s painting. The Antibes paintings that he made between 1954-61 are on the verge of abstracticism, suficing with less color, but relying more on texture. He will open a solo exhibition in his own mother country after a long interval in 1966-67 with his watercolor and gouche Istanbul paintings. These paintings were made in Paris a product of twent years of longing. It seemed as if these multicolored, moving paintings were made by abidin, with his eyes closed during a dream of Istanbul painted onto paper. The acrylic in the 1980’s in his Pairs paintings isolated the city he lived in from people, streets even from the light and details painted as if a night view. We can say that East and West meet in these paintings of three cities. Ferit Edgü, “Abidin Dino - Üç Şehir”, Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat Yayınları, 1996. Sayfa 2,3 5,6.

Oil on canvas

65 x 80 cm


Provenance: Private Colelction, Noyon, France

Estimated Value: 180.000-325.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 78 » Painting

Abidin Dino

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"Three City" (Istanbul-Paris-Antibes) Series

Gouche on hardboard

23 x 49 cm


Estimated Value: 45.000-65.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 79 » Painting

Nuri İyem

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"Abstract Composition"

This work is on page 72 of the first volume of the 2-volume "From Past to Tomorrow, Nuri İyem", a Catalog Raisonneé published by Evin Art Gallery in 2002.

Oil on canvas

65 x 92 cm

1950s, signed

Estimated Value: 200.000-320.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Lot: 80 » Painting

Eren Eyüboğlu

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"Landscape Abstraction"

Oil on cardboard

19 x 21 cm


Estimated Value: 14.000-22.000 TL


Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

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